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Hello, I am using COMSOL 6.1 Reaction Engineering Module. I am modeling a reaction in the form of:

A-->B+C+D+... The reaction depicts the heat breakdown of a solid substance. I obtained the reaction kinetics [A, E] values from TGA measurements. When I use these numbers to define the reaction constant [k], the reaction does not occur. I receive a graph with the concentration of [A] represented by a fixed straight line and all products at zero. Has anyone ever modeled reactions using kinetic values from TGA data? Please help.

  • I also want my reaction rate to be temperature dependent. my temperature is rising from 0K to 800K and then stays at that point. I tried to identify temperature as a function but I couldn't include the function in the rate constant. COMSOL wont recognize it. If anyone has such success modeling these type of scenarios. I would be grateful to hear you thoughts.

Best Regards

1 Reply Last Post May 3, 2024, 3:02 a.m. EDT

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Posted: 1 month ago May 3, 2024, 3:02 a.m. EDT

There is something fundamentally wrong if the reaction does not proceed. Hard to say without seeing the model.

There is something fundamentally wrong if the reaction does not proceed. Hard to say without seeing the model.


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