COMSOL Desktop® Updates

For all COMSOL Multiphysics® users, version 6.0 introduces the ability to merge differences from one model to the other, compact saving, and a new Auxiliary Data window that gives an overview of all input files associated with the current model. Read more about these updates below.

Compact Save

For large models, saving the computed data with the model takes up a lot of space on disk. In this version, new Save options are available that prevent built, computed, and plotted data from being saved, but retain the data in the current session as long as the model remains open. There are also separate options for when you are storing the model as an MPH-file, and when you are storing it in a database using the new Model Manager.

Auxiliary Data

The new Auxiliary Data window gives an overview of all input files that are associated with the current model, such as CAD files and interpolation files. For each entry in the table, you can see what part of the model it belongs to, what its data source is, and other information about its current status. When storing files in a database using the Model Manager, you can also import files into the database from here.

The COMSOL Multiphysics UI showing the Model Builder with the Geometry node highlighted, the corresponding Settings window, a double Gauss lens in the Graphics window, and the drop-down menu for the Windows button in the Graphics toolbar.
Example of the Auxiliary Data window for the Double Gauss Lens model.

Model Merge

From the Comparison Results window, you can merge differences from one model to another. For each node that contains differences, there are one or two override options named consistently with the model you want to overwrite. The overwrite process tries to merge all differences under the selected node as far as possible.

There is also a more advanced merge tool called Merge Changes to Opened that uses available information about versions to sort out what changes you and other users have made on the same model. The tool only merges the changes made by the other user to the version after you started editing the model. In case of conflicts, you can pick what changes to keep or overwrite.

Keyboard Shortcuts and ASCII Input

New keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • Ctrl+Mouse Scroll Wheel can now be used for zooming in/out in the Graphics window.
  • Press the / or + key on the keyboard number pad to collapse or expand a branch in the model tree or application tree.
  • On the Windows® operating system, you can now insert ASCII characters in text fields, for example, by holding down the ALT key and then typing the character code using the number pad.

Show Option for the Messages Window

The new Show on New Message option in the Messages window lets you control whether or not the window should appear on top when new messages are added.

A closeup view of the Messages window showing the Show on New Message option.
The Show on New Message option in the Messages window.

Expand and Collapse Selected

Most trees in the COMSOL Desktop®, such as the Model Builder tree, now contain toolbar options for expanding or collapsing the selected branch. This can also be done using keyboard shortcuts.

New Quick Access Toolbar Options

The Quick Access Toolbar, available in the Windows® operating system, is highly customizable. In addition to new options for the Model Manager, it now contains options for adding buttons to switch to the Model Builder or the Application Builder and for refreshing add-ins.

A closeup view of the Preferences window with the Quick Access Toolbar and Application Builder nodes highlighted.
The Preferences page for the Quick Access Toolbar.

New XML Format for Importing and Exporting Materials

There is a new XML format for importing materials into COMSOL Multiphysics®, either using a dedicated import tool or as a material library in the Material Browser. The main purpose of this format is to provide a well-defined and documented XML syntax, simplifying collaboration with those who do not have access to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. A material supplier, for example, can generate material libraries only with the aid of the documentation and examples that you generate by the export tool.

Always Show Altered Advanced Physics Settings

There are sections that are shown or hidden depending on the selections you have made in the Show More Options dialog box. In the case that you or another user has altered a setting in a section typically hidden by Advanced Physics Options, the section shows anyway until no setting has a value that differs from the default value.

Show and Change Equation Form in Study Steps

For each individual study step, you can alter the Equation Form of a physics interface if the study step has enabled the tree view in the Physics and Variables Selection section. The Equation Form can, for example, be Stationary, Time Dependent, or Frequency Domain. If the equation form is Frequency Domain, you can also change the frequency for the interface. When the study step is set to show the table view, you can see what equation form applies to a physics interface and an icon representing the type of changes made for the study step. This functionality will also display the equation form used for Multiphysics couplings.

New Preference for Unit System in New Models

If you often use a unit system other than SI, you can alter the In new models preference in the Preferences dialog box so that new models always get the unit system you choose.

A closeup view of the Preferences window showing the General settings with the Unit system drop-down menu.
The unit system setting in the Preferences dialog box.

Presentation Generator for Microsoft® PowerPoint®

With the new presentation generator for Microsoft® PowerPoint®, you can generate reports that can be updated automatically when you update a model. For example, plots in a slide deck corresponding to a model where the color tables or materials have changed are quick and easy to update with the click of a button.

The COMSOL Multiphysics UI showing the Model Builder with the Title Slide node highlighted, the corresponding Settings window, and a high-voltage insulator model in the Graphics window.
The new presentation generator option in the Model Builder.

The Microsoft PowerPoint software showing thirty-three slides of a high-voltage insulator model.
Quickly generate reports of your model projects in the form of Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.

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